Eventos comunicación agencia publicidad Malaga

How to promote an event on Social Media

More and more companies are using Social Networks to promote their events or advertising campaigns. Today we give you some guidelines on how to promote an event on Social Networks. We hope you find them helpful.

According to a study carried out by Constant Contact, ¾ of those who use this channel say that these online tools are effective. What’s more, 71% of consumers are reached through social media, making it an important medium to take into account.

If you want to know which are the different ways to make your event a success, here we give you some tips to promote it in the best possible way on Social Networks:

1. Build anticipation before the event.

Start a couple of weeks before and publish some posts giving details in all the profiles you have created (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…)

2. Define a suitable hashtag.

Short, easy to remember and obviously related to the action. You will use it every time, even after the event is over.

3. Create advertising campaigns on Facebook and Twitter, even Google Adwords.

Allocate part of your budget to remarketing (or retargeting) so that ads are shown to people who have visited your website or social profiles.

4. Write press releases and send them to the media.

Try to get your event published in different media, there are many platforms that include event sections in their media. Once done, publish them on your Social Networks and Blog. You will greatly increase the impact of your event.

5. Add a call to action on your profiles.

Take advantage of the main page of your profile, as it is a good showcase (whatever the social network: Instagram, TikTok, Facebook…). This will drive organic traffic to the event website.

6. Use LinkedIn

Spreading the word about the event to interest groups and sending personalised invitations from your professional network will increase the buzz around the event. Especially if it is a corporate event where you can invite industry professionals.

Keep in mind these tips to make a good promotion of your event, or if you don’t have enough time to do it and promote it on RRSS, at Cuatrocento we can make it a success!

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